Owner-Member at the New Carrollton Recreation Club, Inc. (New Carrollton Pool)

You’ve already joined the pool as a member (current or distance member), and this entitles you to entrance at the pool for the season and the ability to participate in all our events.

Do you want to take the next step and become an OWNER-MEMBER?


  • Will be able to enter the pool 1 hour early on holidays and certain Sundays, but not their guests (click HERE to view dates);
  • Vote in elections and other matters that affect the facility;
  • Can become a member of the Board of Directors;
  • Own a piece of the property (**see note below**);

The cost for this is a one-time charge of $200.00 and can be paid via check, or you can use your credit/debit card through PayPal ().

For paying via Check, please download the OWNERSHIP FORM here, and submit to the front desk or via US Mail (directions for submission are included on form).

For paying via PayPal, fill out the form BELOW and it will transfer you to NC Pool’s PayPal portal. After successful completion of payment, you will be returned to our site.


**For existing members prior to September 3, 2006 there is a $75.00 Capital Maintenance fee which is due each year regardless, even if they are not an active member. This $75.00 will keep their membership in good standing. If they do not pay this fee by the closing of the pool for the season they will forfeit their membership which becomes the property of the Club. This applies only to those prior members. It is not applicable to those who became owner members after 2006. They do not have the option to pay just the maintenance fee.**